Argentina's "State of the Union" RAE ARGENTINA TO THE WORLD

Milei's address will be at night - first time ever

By decree, the government ordered the opening of the ordinary sessions period of Congress to take place next Friday, March 1, at 9PM local time.

It will be the first time in history that this institutional act will be held in the evening, instead of noon.

Casa Rosada sources assured that the change is so that "all citizens can listen" to the speech of President Javier Milei.

The inauguration of the legislative year in Congress is the equivalent in Argentina of the "State of the Union" in the US.

The last time Mr Milei was in Parliament was back in December, when he took office.

At that time, he also broke with tradition since his inauguration speech was given on the steps of the Legislative Palace, outside.

But on Friday he will speak inside the building, before an assembly of senators and representatives, as anticipated by the President himself.