"A political business" - Adorni

The national government will ban inclusive or "non-sexist" language throughout the national public administration. This was informed by presidential spokesman Manuel Adorni in a press […]

Nation vs Provinces over funds

A court ordered the national government to transfer the funds claimed by the Patagonian province of Chubut. They are about 13 million dollars that Javier […]

Conflict over federal funds

The conflict between Milei's government and the provinces escalates and now the largest district in the country joins: Buenos Aires. Yesterday, the Casa Rosada decided […]

Argentina's "State of the Union"

By decree, the government ordered the opening of the ordinary sessions period of Congress to take place next Friday, March 1, at 9PM local time. […]

Massive rally in Sao Paulo

In Brazil, thousands of people marched in support of former president Jair Bolsonaro. The ultra-conservative had called on his supporters to gather in Sao Paulo […]

Conflict over federal funds

The conflict between the federal government and the province of Chubut over the distribution of funds continues. In a TV interview, president Javier Milei accused […]

About his trip to Malvinas

Argentine Foreign Minister Diana Mondino complained to her British counterpart David Cameron about his recent visit to the Malvinas Islands. The meeting took place this […]

Brazil-Israel Gaza dispute

Tension continues to mount between Brazil and Israel over President Lula da Silva's statements on the situation in Gaza. The Brazilian leader, let us recall, […]

Malvinas Sovereignty

Argentine Foreign Minister Diana Mondino expressed herself on the presence of her British peer David Cameron in the Malvinas Islands. Ironically, she vindicated Argentine sovereignty […]

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