Massive rally in Sao Paulo RAE ARGENTINA TO THE WORLD

Bolsonaro denies Coup plotting

In Brazil, thousands of people marched in support of former president Jair Bolsonaro.

The ultra-conservative had called on his supporters to gather in Sao Paulo and join him in his rejection of the accusations of coup plotting against him.

Before a massive crowd, Bolsonaro assured yesterday that he was the victim of judicial persecution.

In this context, the former president also asked for amnesty for the almost 1300 accused of attempting to overthrow his successor, Lula da Silva.

The former head of state is being investigated for the events of January 8, 2023, together with other suspects, including police and military chiefs.

A little more than a year ago, thousands of Bolsonaro supporters stormed the presidential headquarters, the Palace of Justice and the Parliament in the capital Brasilia.

The demonstrators demanded a military intervention to remove Lula, who had taken office a week earlier after defeating Bolsonaro in the 2022 elections, from power.

Yesterday Bolsonaro again denied the charges, before a Paulista Avenue full of demonstrators, most of them, like him, dressed in the Brazilian national team's jersey.

According to the former President: "a coup is weapons, conspiracy, tanks in the streets and none of that happened".